I also did a good job at eating healthy foods. I'm eating a little more protein, a little less carbohydrates, a little less fat, and a lot more fruits and veggies. I feel pretty good about it. I'm also drinking a LOT of water, no soda, and basically no juice, which seems to help as well. I have a hard time not eating lots of treats, cause I love treats, but I've given myself a free day once per week on Saturdays to eat basically whatever I want. Although I've found that after eating healthy for a whole week, I don't find myself wanting to pig out, even on my free day, so that was a nice change in my psychology :)
As far as working out, I worked out really hard every day this week, and didn't mess around. When I go to a gym, it's really hard for me to work hard and I usually have a really low intensity workout, and then feel bad about myself cause I spent the hour there, but didn't do anything. p90x has really fixed that problem for me. The workout program pushes me really hard, and I do it, cause other people are doing it to. It makes it nice! My favorite workouts so far are the Yoga workout and an Kenpo karate workout.
Anyway, here are the stats for this week.
Starting weight: 195
Week 1 weight: 192.5
This weeks weight: 192
Weight lost total: 3 lbs.
Now, regularly, I'd be a little bit bummed about losing half a pound in a week, but I worked out really hard all week, and I can tell that things are already starting to tighten up and that I am losing fat and gaining muscle. So, as long as that is happening, weight loss is irrelevant. In all honesty I could probably stay around 190 lbs. if it was mostly muscle, and look pretty darn good, so we'll see what happens. :)
I still want to be in the 170's, but I've never been in really good shape either, so I don't know how my body will respond, and maybe my ideal weight will be higher. I'll keep ya'll informed!
Lanny out
Good job babe! You did awesome this week. Love you and am proud of you!