Saturday, April 18, 2009


This is me in Washington DC in August of 2007.  Weight- around 230 lbs. Body fat percentage-who knows, but probably in the 30's.  Chins-at least two. Boobs- two. Cute baby in back pack-one.  :)  I wore a size 40 pant at this point and extra large shirts.

These first two pictures are where I was 90 days ago: after some dieting and a little bit of exercising, but prior to my 90 day fitness extravaganza known as p90x. I posted these stats earlier, but my weight was 195 at this point, and I had around 22.5 percent bodyfat.  

Below are my post 90 day pictures.  I now weigh 178 lbs, and am at 18 percent bodyfat.  Not too shabby!  I still have  a little excess flab to lose around my midsection, and I'm gonna start incorporating more cardio for the next few months into my workout so that I can get rid of that asap and show off my hot abs that are currently covered by a little fat :)  I am also now in a size 34 pant very comfortably, size medium t-shirts, and only have one chin!

Anyway, that's all!  I'm now supposed to take a 2 week break from p90x since it is such an intense program, but I'm going to start up another round of it on Monday May 4th, and will be done with that one right before my second year of MFA Acting starts.  My goal for this round is to maintain my weight at least in the 170's, and get down to at least 15% bodyfat, although I'm going to shoot for 12%.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lots of exciting news!

So, for anyone who still follows this, sorry I haven't posted an update in a few weeks, but I've been keeping at it still so that is the important thing.  I've had lots of exciting news in the last week, so that is way rad for me!

News item #1- I'm now slightly less than 180 lbs, I weigh 179, so that is super cool! It's been almost 10 years since I've been in the 170's and even then I wasn't in as good of shape as I am now. So woot!

News item #2- My school had an approximately 10 week fitness challenge that was based on overall improvement in body fat%, pushups, situps, planks, and box jumps.  Here are my numbers for the challenge.

For my initial testing about 10 weeks ago, these were my (approximate as I don't remember exactly) numbers:
Body Fat %- 23 percent
Pushups (1 minute)- 27
Situps (1 minute)- 30
Box jumps (1 minute)- 40
Plank- 1:10

For my testing at the end of the challenge I increased quite a bit!
Body Fat %- 18 percent
Pushups (1 minute)- I did 49, but the guy testing me told me I didn't go quite low enough on 11 of them, so he only gave me 38, which pissed me off, but whatever 
Situps(1 minute)- 48
Box Jumps (1 minute)- 66
Plank- 2:31

 So, the long and short of it is that I WON the whole stinking thing! And by winning I got a $500 gift certificate to R.E.I.   WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :)

SO yesterday was a good day, and we even learned that for the first time in years we don't owe taxes and get a few dollars back, so double bonus!

Lanny out